Sherrie:The Queen of the 7 String Guitar
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My Resume

Sherrie H.


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Objective: To become as profecient on 7 string as possible & be able to perform for others while expanding the genres in which a 7 string guitar has been limited to,& at the same time having a sense of humor,fun,and joy in doing so.

Birthdate: August 13,196....(now where would the mystique be if I told my age?) I'm a Leo with a Cancer rising,& a Gemini Moon. Nuff Said!


Age 11:Took up guitar-Taught myself on a Thrify Drugstore classical model,using on of those "teach Yourself" primers. Learned to read music,name of strings & all that good stuff.
High School:Lessons at McCabes in Santa Monica. Studied classical intensley with Phil Boroff,fingerpicked with Dave Zeitlin,& Flatpicked with Barry Solomon. Best times of my teen age youth were spent there.
Then came the years of band projects-metal.Hard rock,progressive rock,Teaching classical n the side.
I have also backed up live plays on guitar-comedies,drama.spoofs,satire type stuff.
Now residing in Gardena,Ca.

My ultimate goal would be to finally have an all woman band that has top notch players, a decent image, (that means no T&A) that would be respected,not viewed as being another girl pop powder puff group but as a force to be reckoned with,lyrically as well as musically.

I should add that I'm not opposed to a mixed band!