What's New?
7 String Divas Online Adventures
7/2/06 Boy when I leave a site for awhile,I really leave it alone,don't I? The 4th is nearly upon us,so happy Independence
day to everybody reading this! Be safe,be sane,and don't miss the fireworks....
Speaking of fireworks.....yes I've been woodshedding and hanging out as a regular on the Guitar Player mag forum....very
cool bunch there. Finally got my Pignose B-700 working so now I can shred while watching football~pre season is approaching!
7 String Guitarists & Artists

I am making furry scarves,wristbands,purses,legwarmers,etc and making them available to the public! if interested in seeing
these hip fashion accessories,hit the link below! Yes, I do goth stuff too!
Yes! I'm interested!